How Married Life Really Is – 3 Months In


The never-ending question for all newly weds when you see someone you know is “How’s married life?”, and it could not be a more complicated question.

Of course you’re really not supposed to tell the truth. You’re supposed to say marriage is magical and beautiful, which at some points it can be.– I don’t know about how it is for anyone else but for me the first thing that comes to mind when I try to describe my last 3 months of marriage isn’t all that sweet. It may just be my comical nature but living with Trace Pee has been something else.

Marriage is letting the other use the bathroom first when you both have to take a huge dump.

That’s honestly the most raw, truthful thing I can say about marriage.

In all reality it isn’t that bad. But in the same sense it is. My marriage is still super young and I don’t know anything about it. But what I can tell you is that marriage is fun.

Trace ALWAYS has me rollin’! Living with him is like living with my own personal comedian.

Here are some other marriage truths that go beyond holding in dumps for the love of your life and are more in tune to things more relatable to other people.

  • Last week Trace baked me cookies because I shaved my legs
  • Trace pulled his shirt over his head, laid down and kicked his feet for about 4 solid minutes. All over the Steelers losing to the Ravens in the wild card game.
  • Marriage is doing small things like laundry and washing dishes and expecting a round of applause.
  • Sharing one vehicle because someone got a little curb happy and popped a tire
  • We constantly are watching movies because we’re to broke for satellite or wi-fi

Marriage for Trace and I is so much different that that of others. I don’t say that just because I think we’re hot shit but because we are seriously around each other 90% of the time. And we actually enjoy it. We never really bother each other or get on each others nerves. It’s just a constant laugh between the two of us.

Oh Baby!

“So, when are you two going to have a baby?”


This is the question I have been asked way to many times in the barely 3 months that Trace and I have been married.

I just want to start off by saying I love babies. I mean, what kind of person would I be if I didn’t. But honestly I couldn’t imagine my life being responsible for another human. Of course this decision isn’t truly all mine. Trace and I have had to have long talks about what we want out of life, which is something all people thinking about spending their lives together need to do.

Any who, Trace and I have decided to wait to have kids for many, many reasons.

  1. We aren’t financially stable. Granted Trace and I run and go and do a lot of things and spend a bundle of money along the way. We aren’t ready to give up the things we want so that we can bring another human into the world.
  2. We have a plan. I know things don’t always go as planned but it still doesn’t hurt to map things out. Our plan is to wait until we are out of college with our teaching degrees and have worked at least one year in a school before we even start trying to put little pees in the world.
  3. We are still young. I’m nineteen, Trace is twenty. Granted people have kids at 16 these days but I want to enjoy my youth while I can. Trace and I both want to travel and see the world and it’s kind of difficult to do that while lugging around a toddler.
  4. I think people need to spend time together after they get married to enjoy one another before they have children. Now, this is just my thoughts on it but why would you want to spend years/months dating or being engaged just to turn around after you have gotten married and have kids. You will never have time with just you and your husband for at least 18 years. And that’s if you only have one child.

My first response to the question of children for Trace and I is always a rather dramatic “NOOOOOOO” I will say that sometimes when we are around our friends who have little babies I often have to remind myself that I do in fact want to wait.

If anyone has ever spend a lot of time around Trace and I though it isn’t hard to tell we seriously love babies. That’s pretty much one of the main things we look forward to in our lives together. Trace has more baby fever than I do if that is even possible. And we honestly can’t wait to have little ones when the time comes.